Special Offers

So i have several things that are currently on special

I am offering couples Readings for the month of March 2017. A 90 minute session is $225.

The past life regressions that i offer last approx 2 hours and on average they cover 1-3 lives depending on what your higher self wants you to get from the experience. Its you experiencing it, and learning from it. I am there to guide and facilitate you on this journey through deep relaxation and meditation. I will also record the sessions. All you have to do, is to relax and open your mind as to where you have been before.
Some people just see it, some just know it, others just feel it. There is no right or wrong.I dont ever see them, i just know and feel it….
To heal your past allows you to move forward in this life, leaving behind stuff that you no longer need.

These are $200 , but i have a limited offer for 2 of them for $350

I have had a good rest while being away and I am going to offer 5 one hour readings with me for $650 a saving of $100. There is only 1 of these left . Payment must be made at the time of booking.These can be used by family or friends together or separately

I am also  going to offer an in house group reading, during the day in the Cambridge/Kitchener/south guelph area.These last approx 2 hours.

