Soul Travel with Mark

Soul Travel With Mark

Soul Travels with Mark came about because of my love of both Spirit and Travel. It was a way to combine to amazing things and see amazing places at the same time. We spend time together and then time apart to reflect, practice and just be

Travels with Mark

2024 trip to Wales was wonderful- Just planning for 2025


    Free Guide

    4 Ways to Connect to Your Angels, Guides, and Loved Ones on the Other Side

    So many of us think we’re walking this planet alone due to loss, psychic connection or can’t physically see the support around us. The truth is you’re never alone because you’ve always got people on the other side watching and guiding you, loved ones who’ve passed, angels and guides.

    Get my guide for four simple ways you can connect to your own guides right now and discover that you’re truly never alone.


    Spiritual Workshops

    Develop your psychic gifts while you learn more about yourself and the spiritual world around you. Our group workshops are for all abilities, are directed by spirit, and are always fun. Save your seat for our next workshop now!

    Group Readings

    Group Readings are a great way to potentially connect to your loved ones. Whether it’s on your own or with a group of friends or family. These Group sessions are not only healing, there is laughter, tears, and lots of bonding.

    Spiritual Mentoring

    Develop your spiritual connection through mentoring. Whether you want to develop your own gift or simply expand your own knowledge of spirituality and living a spiritual life, group and one-on-one spiritual mentoring will connect you to your own true potential.