Work With Me

Work With Me

Welcome to the Olivereaders.. My name is Mark and I love working with the spirit world. I can’t wait to work with you and to be able to show you what is possible from the spirit world.

Whether you want to attend a session or learn about how you can tap into your own intuitive font.. The fun has begun. Thank you

Spiritual Mentoring

Develop your spiritual connection through mentoring. Whether you want to develop your own gift or simply expand your own knowledge of spirituality and living a spiritual life, group and one-on-one spiritual mentoring will connect you to your own true potential.

Group Readings

Group Readings are a great way to potentially connect to your loved ones. Whether it’s on your own or with a group of friends or family. These Group sessions are not only healing, there is laughter, tears, and lots of bonding.

Soul Travel with Mark

Do you love Travel and Spirit? Do you want to continue to grow your spiritual self? Join us for adventures around the world and inside yourself!

Learn more about our upcoming Soul Travel Trips for 2024-2025


Group Readings are a great way to potentially connect to your loved ones. Whether its on your own or with a group of friends or family. These Group sessions are not only healing, there is laughter and tears.

Get on the Private Reading Waitlist

Mark currently is not using a waitlist but is posting the available appointments on the Facebook page

Private readings with me are popular and have a waitlist a mile long … but I have been told I’m worth the wait!

We currently are posting all available appointments on the closed facebook page



    Type of Reading:

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    Left Me Feeling So Peaceful

    It was three weeks after my husband crossed over that I met Mark for a reading.  It left me feeling so peaceful hearing that my loved one had reached the other side and was at peace.  I feel that having this conversation helped with the start of my grief work and should be mandatory for anyone who loses someone special to them.

    After Seeing You I Am Moving Forward

    This lack of confidence that I feel I know is an excuse to not move forward, but after seeing you I am moving forward. I believe in myself and nothing can change that. No fear, no lack of confidence, nothing. I just wanted to thank you both.

    You Have Given Me Hope Again

    You have an amazing gift which helps you, help us. I have been smiling ever since my phone call reading with you the other day. You have given me hope again. Thank you very much!!

    Free Guide

    4 Ways to Connect to Your Angels, Guides, and Loved Ones on the Other Side

    Get my guide for four simple ways you can connect to your own guides right now and discover that you’re truly never alone.
