
You’re never alone with Spirit and I’m here to open you up to what the world of Spirit can offer you

Because they can offer you so much

Free Guide

4 Ways to Connect to Your Angels, Guides, and Loved Ones on the Other Side

So many of us think we’re walking this planet alone due to loss, psychic connection or can’t physically see the support around us. The truth is you’re never alone because you’ve always got people on the other side watching and guiding you, loved ones who’ve passed, angels and guides.

Get my guide for four simple ways you can connect to your own guides right now and discover that you’re truly never alone.



Hi, I’m Mark, the Olive Reader

I’m a medium who loves talking to dead people.

I started the Olive Readers in 2012 because I received a message from spirit to start using my gift of connection even though I didn’t fully understand it. Believe me, I didn’t think I’d end up doing this!

I still remember my very first reading as I sang the song that my client had sung to her mom as she passed to let her know her mom was there with us .. and here we are over 30,000 readings later, I’m still connecting you to your loved ones with messages of love, guidance, and support.

If you’re curious about how this works or if you, too, can develop your own psychic gifts visit my About and FAQ page for more.

Thank you so much

I had a reading this morning and I can’t begin to say how much better I feel after. It was amazing and I will be going back again… Thank you so much

The reading I received changed my life and my outlook for the better

You helped me come to terms with grief I had carried far too long and the messages you passed along are worth more than all the gold in the world. Thank you for taking the time to deliver those messages, and for being so positive, kind, and truly caring. The reading I received changed my life and my outlook for the better & I’ll be forever grateful for what you gave me

The reading I had with you was by far the best I’ve ever had

Over the years I’ve searched and seen many intuitives looking for direction. I must say the reading I had with you was by far the best I’ve ever had.

Spiritual Mentoring

Develop your spiritual connection through mentoring. Whether you want to develop your own gift or simply expand your own knowledge of spirituality and living a spiritual life, group and one-on-one spiritual mentoring will connect you to your own true potential.

Group Workshops

Develop your psychic gifts while you learn more about yourself and the spiritual world around you. Our group workshops are for all abilities, are directed by spirit, and are always fun. Save your seat for our next workshop now!

Group Readings

Group Readings are a great way to potentially connect to your loved ones. Whether it’s on your own or with a group of friends or family. These Group sessions are not only healing, there is laughter, tears, and lots of bonding.

Soul Travel with Mark

Do you love Travel and Spirit? Do you want to continue to grow your spiritual self? Join us for adventures around the world and inside yourself!

Learn more about our upcoming Soul Travel Trips for 2025

Free Guide

4 Ways to Connect to Your Angels, Guides, and Loved Ones on the Other Side
